Monday, March 29, 2010

Why I Stayed

If any of you were into the Ted Haggard fallout a few years back, I recommend the book Why I Stayed, by his wife, Gayle Haggard. She writes honestly, and it's an interesting and well-written inside look at the circumstances leading up to, surrounding and following the whole thing. Initially I started reading the book because I truly was (cynically) curious why she did stay. But then I got hooked on the story and found that it is a real picture of God's grace and power in the middle of a very dark time.  Recommended!

1 comment:

katharine said...

I read this book (or most of it) in about an hour, standing at the bookstore, reading it. (When I told John that, he brought up the discussion you guys had over Christmas about reading/returning books.. remember? I told him that what I did was NOT the same thing. Anyhow, I digress.) I too, read the book for the same reason: cynicism, etc. But the grace that she showed her husband was amazing--it prompted me to look at areas in my marriage/life where I need to show forgiveness, reach out, etc. However, I thought the pictures of them at the end, in their spectacles, reading the bible, was just a little chommy. :)