Monday, March 29, 2010

Here are some of the books I've been reading recently:

Half-Broke Horses: A True Life Novel by Janette Walls--I really enjoyed this one. Walls tells the story of her grandmother's life--written in novel form. One review I read of it called it a Little House on the Prairie for adults. Probably not that classic, but good nonetheless.

5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter by Vicki Courtney--A good book about how to address some cultural issues with your daughters--geared for conversations with older girls, but I think it's important to start thinking through some of those issues.

So Long Insecurity: You've Been a Bad Friend to Us by Beth Moore. I love Beth Moore's stuff. There were a couple of really powerful chapters in this book.

Wrapped in Rain by Charles Martin. I read this for our upcoming book club. I've read most of his books--actually, I just picked up the only one I haven't read at the library today. Martin sort of reminds me of a Christianized Nicholas Sparks--romance, tragedy, renewal. Each book has been a good read; after a while the protagonists begin to seem the same . . . Has anyone else read any of Martin's work?


Sarah said...

Shelley- have you read Walls' first book, The Glass Castle? I read it last summer and HIGHLY recommend it. I haven't even heard of Charles Martin, but am looking forward to reading his books! Is there one you recommend over the rest? And, my book club is reading the book Kak recommended, Finding Nouf, this month. I'll let you all know what I thinK!

Shelley said...

I've actually been waiting to read The Glass Castle. I have a hold on it at the library; it must be very popular because I've been waiting a while. I'm reading Chasing Fireflies now by Martin. So far, it's good . . .